"How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Psalm 119:103 (NIV)
Do you like Krispy Kreme Doughnuts??? There's nothing like seeing that neon sign announcing Hot Doughnuts Now! Just imagine it...warm, melt in your mouth, delectable sweetness. Wouldn't that just get your day off to the right start...with a yummy cup of coffee??
Remember how the Israelites ate manna in the wilderness? Exodus 16 tells us that "The LORD said to Moses, 'I will rain down bread from heaven for you.'(v.4)...The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey."(v.31) Priscilla Shirer, in her book One in a Million states that, "It may have looked something like porridge, some scholars believe, but it actually tasted like more Krispy Kreme Doughnuts." Wouldn't you like a sample? Just think, each day from God's very own hands, such delightful provision.
This morning your breakfast may not be Krispy Kremes...and most assuredly not manna, but along with your coffee and whatever fare you choose, be sure to "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man [or woman] who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8 Spend time being nourished in His Word.
Lord, thank You for being our "Bread of Life." Thank You for the sweetness of Your Word, the provision of Your presence. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Live in us today.
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